CSNet Quick Tips
on November 15, 2020
HOW TO DOWNLOAD FACEBOOK DATA -- Click/Tap image for enlargement
If your intention is to transfer all of your Facebook data to Wimkin, please follow the instructions below. Please understand that these instructions are to make a REQUEST to Facebook for a copy of your data. Assuming that they agree to it, it may take them several days to compile your requested data, and to make it available to you for download.
1. In the top, right corner of your timeline, click on the disclosure triangle icon.
2. In the menu which appears, click on the "Settings & Privacy" option.
3. On the "Settings & Privacy" menu, select "Settings".
4. Under the "Settings" column on the left side of the web page which appears, select the "Your Facebook Information" menu option.
5. Under the "Your Facebook Information" section which appears to the right of the "Settings" menu, select the "Download Your Information" option, or click the "View" link on the right side of it.
6. On the new "Download Your Information" page, under the "Request Copy" section, set the "Date Range", "Format" and "Media Quality" options.
7. Under the "Your Information" section, check or uncheck the boxes which pertain to each data category. By default, they are all selected. You probably want to leave it at that.
8. Once you have chosen the categories of data which you want to download, click on the blue "Creat File" button.
9. Once you have made a download request, it will appear as "Pending" in the "Available Copies" section of the "Download Your Information" page. According to Facebook, it may take them several days to prepare your download request. Once it is ready, they will send you a notification informing you of the same.
10. To download the archive once it is ready, go to the "Available Copies" section of the "Download Your Information" page, as you did in step #5 above.
11. Click "Download" and enter your Facebook user password. The download should begin.
Dimension: 696 x 2048
File Size: 234.12 Kb
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