Bill Kochman
on April 13, 2022
Dear friends, beware of scammers on the social networks who claim to be affiliates with FEMA — the US-based Federal Emergency Management Agency — or with other federal agencies, and who claim that you can receive money by using the "Cash App" application. According to my online research, this scam has been going on since at least 2020, and possibly earlier.
For the record, FEMA is aware of these scams and has made the following public statement on Facebook, Twitter, and probably elsewhere:
——- Begin Quote ——-
"We received many reports of scammers asking survivors for their CashApp information. We will NEVER ask for or send funds through this application. If you are a victim of fraud, report it to our Disaster Fraud Hotline at 1-866-720-5721."
——- End Quote ——-
A case in point . . .
A few days ago I accepted a Facebook friend request supposedly from a person named "Dena Mucerino Schwarz". Oddly enough, she and I only have one mutual friend. That alone is a red flag!
If you go to this person's timeline, you will be greeted by a cover image with the name "JESUS" in large letters, decorated with pretty flowers. The profile picture is of a young girl.
While I believe that the account is real, and truly belongs to someone named "Dena", I am now fully convinced that her account has been compromised and taken over by a scammer; possibly because she was tricked into giving the scammer her Facebook password.
Yesterday morning I received a private message from the scammer -- who was posing as "Dena" -- asking me what I would do if I was given $1,500 via the Cash App.
Naturally, a red flag went up. So I went to Dena's timeline and publicly asked her if the private message was really from her. I also informed her that not only do I not use the Cash App, but neither do I accept monetary donations for the Bill's Bible Basics and Christian Social Network ministries.
"Dena" commented on her timeline that it was indeed her. Please notice that I placed the name in quotes to indicate that it really wasn't her.
At this point, I decided to play a little game of cat and mouse with the scammer, so that they would reveal more information regarding exactly how the scam works, and expose themselves. But before doing that, I removed my comment from their timeline, as well as my customary new friend welcome message. I also unfriended "Dena".
One thing I have noticed about these scammers is that for some reason, they often do not even realize when a person takes the steps that I just described to you. This becomes evident by the fact that they will continue to have a discussion with you via private messaging, as if they are oblivious to the fact that you have unfriended them.
Back in private chat, I asked "Dena" -- meaning the scammer -- why she would even ask me that question regarding the $1,500. Following is the conversation which then ensued. Please notice the poor English, poor grammar, poor punctuation, and non-American spelling of certain words. Ask yourself why an American who supposedly represents FEMA would use non-American spelling. That in itself is a red flag:
I'm an affiliate with Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)and part of my duty is to assist everyone to get his/her money at the right time and i get my commission when I refer people in to the programme
So exactly what must I do in order to obtain the $1,500? Please give me clear, step-by-step instructions. Thank you.
This offer is a Federal Emergency Management Agency(FEMA) initiative affiliated with World Health Organisation (W.H.O) trading all gift cards and cash app flip to Bitcoin and they need more than $25,000 daily. Basically they are doing this to help the less privileged on the control of Finance and I got proofs to show you.
For $100 flip you $1,500
For $200 flip you $2,400
For $300 flip you $3,500
For $400 flip you $4,600
For $500 flip you $5,700
For $600 flip you $6800
For $700 flip you $7600
For $800 flip you $8600
For $900 flip you $9800
For $1000 flip you $12000
You didn't answer my question. So exactly what must I do to get this money. Please explain to me step by step.
You just need to invest
Did you have cashapp ?
Are you saying that FEMA is saying that I need to invest money in order to get the $1,500?
Yes if you invest $100 you will get $1,500
What are the steps? How do I get the money from FEMA?
Did you have cashapp ?
Not yet.
Download cashapp
Okay. Then what?
Let me know when you download it
Please explain the rest of the steps to me first. Thank you.
When you download cashapp
Where do I get it?
You be Werey
I don't understand your comment.
Are you asking me where I am?
Did you have a bank
Of course I have a bank account. But where do I get Cash App?
What bank did you bank with
Please tell me first where do I get Cash App?
What phone did you use
Please answer my question. Where do I get Cash App?
Download it App Store or play store
Okay. Thank you!
Okay. So now what?
Have you set it up Send me a screenshot
Why do you need a screenshot? I am pretty sure I set it up right.
[Note: I didn't download anything, or set up anything.]
Send me a screenshot
Why do you need a screenshot?
That is the process
But it shows sensitive information.
Send a screenshot of this
At this point, the scammer sent me an image of the Cash App showing a zero dollar amount. I figured that I took it as far as I needed to, so I told them the following:
I am sorry, but I need to go to dinner now. Can we finish this later?
And that was the end of our private conversation. I blocked them after that, but not before warning our one mutual friend that they had a scammer on their friends list.
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